Analyzing the Didactic Doctrines in the Outstanding Mystical and Sufi works of Hakim Molla Abbas Ali Kaivani Ghazvini
Subject Areas : شاهنامهNasser Mohseni Nia 1 , Mohsen Abolghasemi 2 * , Roghayeh Sadraei 3
1 - Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Department of Research and Science Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: didactic literature, mysticism and Sufism, Abbas Ali Kaivan Qazvini, Contemporary Iranian Literature, Mystical and Sufi Innovations,
Abstract :
Among different literary types, didactic literature has no definite boundary and after lyric poetry, this literary type has the highest occurance in Persian literature. The introduction of Sufism and mysticism into Persian literature has played an important role in development and fulfillment of this significant literary genre in the way that the sufis and and mystics mostly tended to express their own ideas through this literary type. The present research intends to analyze four of the most prominent sufi works of sufi Keyvan Ghazvini Mollah Abbasali (1862-1938) who was the philosopher, interpreter, poet and also a great sufi of the late Qajar period and the early years of the first Pahlavi's. These four works include: Raz Gosha (Mystry Unraveler), Behin Sokhan (Best Speeches), Ostevar Razdar (Secretive Consistent) and Erfan Nameh (Mysticism Letters). His major ethical and critical views about Gonabadiyeh sufi leaders (Aghtab) were illustrated in these works after his separation from them and they had been based upon his own quotations. He attempted to demonstrate the main reason of his separation from Gonabadiyeh group after a long period of accompanying them, his critical beliefs towards them, his own unique and unprecedented views, his innovations in Sufism and mystical issues, and their scientific value and acceptability. The reaserch method used in this study is descriptive-analytical using the library studies and its approach is critical discussion. It is done through studying and analyzing the above-mentioned works. The results of the present research, which rely on a detailed analysis of the author's thoughts, show that Qazvini's reason for his separation from Gonabadieh and its extremity and his perefernce to be detatched from Sufism and its traditional approach of master-disciple and aslo his ethical criticism of Gonabadieh could not be related either to his frustration of achieving material goals or to his frustration in acquiring the position of leader of Gonabadieh. The main reason for his separation from different Sufi sects, especially from Gonabadieh after nearly thirty years, was that he realized that this kind of Sufism and mysticism could not satisfy his internal yearning. When this bitter truth became apparent for him, he decided to criticize its ethics and to reject them and then to provide a new and accurate definition of true Sufism and mysticism.
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