The act of ending in the story with a didactic literature approach
Subject Areas : شاهنامهAli Mohammadi 1 , arezo Baharvand 2
1 - -* Associate professor of the Persian language and literature, Booali Sina University.
2 - ** the Persian language and literature, Booali Sina University.
Keywords: narration, literary criticism, The act of ending, farsi texts,
Abstract :
Generally speaking, the narrative action of a story is determined through two states of beginning and ending. Although these two elements play important roles in the subjects of modern writing story, in articles and speeches related to farsi writing story nearly no attention has been paid to them. In Farsi writing story we see too much negligence concerning story enduing in comparison to story beginning. The act of ending in different fields of arts ranging from cinema music, painting, and archetecture to story and poetry have been the center of attention for an artist. However, in the field of the theories of criticism the term of ending isn't an old one. In farsi speeches and articles specially in the field of story and narration you won't find any independence article about ending. However, among global articles especially in the field of literature the subject of ending is among the frequently used ones in literary criticism. Many prose and verse masterpieces of farsi literature have didactic aspects that is, the main aim of story teller is to express the result, therefore there is a logical relation between the story and the result taken from it. In the present article, the envestigation of ending in the classic narration (story, anecdot fable) and modern story and its relationship with the story plot have been examined. The attempt in this article is to investigate the historical course of this element and its semantic evolution from critics' point of view.
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