.Emotional discourse application in didactic texts: In the case of fifth chapter of Sa'di's Golestan
Subject Areas : شاهنامهMaryam Mahmoodi 1 , A’zam Khadem 2
1 - Associate professor of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Dehaqan.
2 - Teacher in Kharazmi Technical and Vocational institute of Shahreza.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional discourse, didactic texts, basic emotions, the fifth chapter of Sa’di’s Golestan,
Abstract :
An effective communication with the audience is of high importance in a didactic context. The fifth chapter of Sa’di’s Golestan, as an efficient sample of this case, offers a set of skills to manage human emotions in order to turn an undesired full of tension situation into a pleasured one, focusing mainly on the presentation of emotional tensions of springtime. Turning the audience approach from the state effect into the trait effect, dealing with a didactic context is certainly depended on the contemplation and perseverance in the themes .Based on this necessity, this research has investigated the fifth chapter of Golestan in the terms of emotional discourse. The present research is theorically based on Shaver’s fundamental emotions, and Goleman’s emotional intelligence in addition to theoretical fundaments corresponding to quadruplet competences and emotional D.A. in signosemiotics and modern linguistics. According to Sa’di, the mutual coordination of companions would lead to a "pleasant life" as the main emotional action. Also from the perspective of discourse, claiming the presence of the enunciator, as the limited narrator, would have increased the realism and believability of the text.
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