'shame aftab'
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Keywords: metaphor, Shame Aftab, Shame Mah, Chraghe Khorshid, Cheraghe Ghamar,
Abstract :
In this article the conpound noun "Shame Aftab" in the following verse. Is investigated amd the different opinions of the Hafez reseaychers are criticized. Attention to the Hafez's contemprories and the earler poets in using the stereotype compound noun 'Shame Aftab' rejects professor Khoramshahi's ( the great Hafez researcher of our times) explanation that the compound noun 'Shame Aftab is a simili. It means torcher and sun flam otherwise the usual candel hasn't enough light in comparison with the sun. A research in the second hemistich among 11 copies of the Hafez Divan reveals that this compound noun has come in the following forms: Ghorse Afta'( four copies) , Shame va aftab' ( two copies) , shame Aftab' ( five copies) the author only accept the from of shame Aftab' ( five copies). In order to prove this , the author has brought many evidences in the old texts , also he has come to the interesting points. The compound noun 'shame Aftab ' is a stereotype one which has come in different forms. 2)sometimes, on the contrary, the candel is likened to the sun. 3) Shame Gardoon', Shame Ofogh' , Shame rooz', Shame Aseman', Shame Falak' and Shame Khavar , are metaphors for the sun. 4)Another evidence is that in the old times the condles were used for lightening 5)Finally , in the old times the condle was bigger and much better than light. Concerning the hemistich , Hafez has contrasted 'Shame Aftab ' with the sun not with the candle. In spite of the fact that the candle has been bigger and much brighter than the light. Hafez hasn't described the face of lover as a candle ; on the contrary, he has described it as the sun in order to substitiute the light for the sun. In the old times , the light was burnt by using the oil. Its light was dim and when it was extinguished it become black. Khaghani has described this as black heart. Ther above verses is a significant evidence for showing the superiority of the candle to the light.
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