The comparison of Torshizi's Khosro and Shirin with Nezami's Khosro and Shirin
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Keywords: Nezami, Khosro and Shirin, Shahabe Torshizi, Haft peykar,
Abstract :
After composing Khamse by Nezami especially two famous lyrical works; namely, Leyli and Majnoon and Khosro and Shirin, many poets have tried to imitate his style. One of them is Shahabe Torshizi, the famous poet of twelve and early Thirteenth century. Shahab has two versified stories under the titles of Yoosuf and Zoleykhah and Khosro and Shirin. The former was composed by imitating from Jami and the latter one was basen on Nezami. Shahab has paid attention to the two versified stories of Nezami and some of the resources like Shahnameh. Two versified stories of Nezami; namely, Haft Peykar which was used as a model in Haft Majles contained similar rhythm and story telling and Shirin which was used the love story of Khosro to Shirin likened to Nezami's. However, there are some basic differences in these two works. 1) The rhythm of Shahab's work is faelaton Mafaelon Faelon that is Bahre Mokhafaf. Therefore, it is similar to Haft Peykar. 2) The Style of Story telling in Haft Majles is Similar to Haft Peykar. 3) Many episods in Shahab's versified story are removed and Some of Story characters are different.
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