The role of the history Tabari's Commentary
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Keywords: translation, Commentary, Method, Mohammad Ibn Jarir al- Tabari history,
Abstract :
Mohammad Ibn Jarire al Tabari is the great historiand and commentator in the third century . Tabari followed special style in his writing. For example like most historians and commentators in the news about prophets and races of the past specially what has been mentioned in the Koran , Tabari relyed on narratives of Jews and Nasari which some led to weaknesses in his writing . Taberi for the first time in the his history of Islamic in an atmosphier in which some groups were contradict with commentary and other groups consider commentataory allowable on the condition that it was based on prophet helpers and propletic commentaryies gave a complete commentary of Koran based on the narratives. Although the translations based on Tabri’s works are quite different its literary value and aestethic aspect can not be ignored.
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