The explanation of some points from Byhaghi's history ( text analysis of the Beyhaghi's history)
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Keywords: Beyhaghi, watery and big blossom, servent, coronation place Luxurious, appiontiong, Naseri va Baghvi,
Abstract :
Many valuable texts of the Persian literature which even were being emphasized as textbooks from very long time ago Are still have some ambiguous points. Therefore removing these ambiguities are both necessary and valuable. The existence of these ambiguities are not proof that all those who have reed and taught weven't aware of them . On the contrary, they have probably kept away to write and Yemind them. At the same time fully understanding of these prose and verse texts are very complicated personally. Literary talent interest, experience , and deep thinking of a literary text for finding the intended concepts of the poet or author are helpful for the researcher. Moveover the personal interpretations and the text capacity for different interpretations shouldn't neglected in this category . In order not to limite my teaching experiences efforts , and accuracy which are the results of the years of teaching and discussions with the students in the the classroom some ambiguous points of the beyhaghi's history are presented in this article and the attempt is to remove them:
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