The speech from the rhetorice perspective
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Keywords: speech, Semantics, prosody, the rhetorics, denotation imagination,
Abstract :
The rhetorics which started with deliberation and plan on Qur’an the Hadith and the Arabic poetry consists of three main parts namely semantic , speech , and prosody. Semantic and speech are the infrastructure of the rhetorics while prosody pay attention to the surface structure. The domain of speech and prosody is literature and poetry while the domain of semantic is the language litself. In the field of speech the subject of metonym is being discussed through which different ways of expressing a single meaning along with the difference of clearness in denotation is manifested. It means the usage of a word in its unreal meaning . Essential condition for different froms of metonyms is having the element of imagination. Therefore the unimaginary speech is being removed from the domain of rhetorics . With the regard to the relationship of the three main parts of rhe rhetorics, it should be said that the sematic is prior to the speech because the speech is resulted from the agreement with the present exigency (semalntics);however, the speech is prior to the brosody decause the prosody is subordinated to the rhetorics and after the agreement and denotation (semantic and speech) it become necessary.
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