Studying the Reflection of Didactic Literature in Ancient Myths by Focusing on the Story of Zaal and Simorq, and the Adventures of Telemachus)
Subject Areas : شاهنامهAhmad Ranjbar 1 , Behnaz SHakouri 2 *
1 - Professor of Persian Langauge and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.
2 - Ph.D. in Persian Langauge and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.
Keywords: Shahnameh, comparative literature, fable, didactic literature, The Adventures of Telemachus,
Abstract :
Myths and their role in training human traits are as old as ancient history. In the guise of the adventurous lessons, myths pave the way for a righteous and wise life. Didactic literature is derived from stories and myths. Heroic and mythohogical literary works are among the most significant specimen of didactic literature. The purpose of this paper is to compare the story of Zaal and Simorq in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh with the Adventures of Telemachus by Francois Fénelon. Mantor, in the Adventures of Telemachus, and Simorq, in the story of Zaal, are both legendary supernatural mentors who possess the supreme wisdom. Mantor trains Telemachus who will rein Ithaca after his father, Ulysses, and Simorq instructs Zaal who will be the ruler of Sistan after his father Saam. Both epic works take place in the context of didactic literature. Taking the role of myths into account in both of these epic masterpieces, it is perceived that mythical gods, in the light of their supreme wisdom, aim at instructing the moral traits in all human beings as their supposed mission. The mehod used in this comparative study is the narrative-analytical. By using this approach, the researchers intend to illustrate the reflection of didactic literature in ancient myths, by focusing on Zaal's and Telemachus' training, the ruler and the king of their stories. It is concluded that though the concern of the story in these two heroic works is different (i.e., Zaal and Simorq emphasizes the heroic aspects, while the focus of attention in the Adventures of Telemachus is on the governing rules.); teaching the lessons of wisdom to gain inner growth is the main common characteristics of both heroic works.