Analysis of the social and cultural contexts of the formation of behavioral violence(The novel "Kharif al-Asafir" as a critical report of the crisis of a generation)
Subject Areas : اندیشه ادبیات عرب
Ali Salimi
Shadi Rahimi
2 - Razi university
Keywords: religious extremism, deviant other, Khaled Aqlai, Kharif al-Asafir, behavioral violence,
Abstract :
A novel is generally a reproduction of an image of the hidden layers of human-social life. The novel "Kharif al-Asafir" (Autumn of sparrows) by the Western writer Khalid Al-Aqlai is one of the novels that recounts part of the social-intellectual crisis of the young generation in Islamic countries. The current research, using descriptive-analytical method, examines this novel and tries to answer the question that according to the belief of the author of the novel, what psychological and social factors provide the basis for the formation and growth of behavioral violence in the society. What does religious extremism have to do with this category? The results of the research show that social, political, economic and cultural factors such as divorce, social corruption, economic inequality, injustice and instrumental use of religious teachings, all contribute to the formation of mental crises. The young generation and the promotion of behavioral violence among this generation. The hero of the novel is one of the victims of this social type. His tragic fate is a description of the painful situation of a generation that had a bitter lived experience and after that, in the dream of achieving truth and justice, lovingly surrendered its heart to the illusions of extremist groups. The author of the novel believes that religious extremism, under the pretext of fighting against the disturbances of the existing situation, has strengthened the tension-causing idea of "the deviant other" among this generation and given it a religious color.
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