Maulavi's didactic approach in dealing with language
Subject Areas : .Mokhtar Ebrahimi 1 * , Hamed Tavakoli Darestani 2
1 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
2 - Ph.D. educated of Persian language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz
Keywords: Maulavi Masnavi, language, didactic literature, mysticism, ,
Abstract :
In his Masnavi, through his "poetic", "mystical" and "educational" life and his numerous encounters with "language", Molavi has adopted different approaches and has different views about the understanding, essence, intention and purpose of language. is special In Masnavi, Molavi often adopted two "major approaches" in dealing with language: first, the "educational" approach, which reflects his religious, spiritual, and moral attitudes, and second, the "existential" and "ontological" approach, which reflects It gives his mystical, phenomenological, interpretive and interpretive attitude. In the present study, we will show that Maulavi's perception of language is often a "tool" for teaching "ethical" and "mystical" concepts, while there are glimpses of "existential" and "ontological" attitudes through the interpretation and hermeneutic approach. It has also appeared in his thinking and poetry. Based on this, some ontological affinities of Molavi with Heidegger, a prominent German philosopher, can be investigated and sought. Therefore, in the present research, we will show that Molvi and Heidegger have deep and fundamental differences with each other, despite some "verbal" and "apparent" similarities. From Heidegger's point of view, "language" is the house of existence, and it has philosophical dimensions, while in Molavi's view, language is often an "imperfect tool" and the "carrier" of "educational" concepts, and the "predominance" of the "educational" element Compared to philosophical dimensions, it causes "oscillation" between "educational" and "philosophical" dimensions in Maulavi's linguistic theories.
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