The Effect of Pilates and Aerobic Exercises on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Elderly Women
Subject Areas : Physical Activity and Health
Samira Aliabadi
Bahar Nargesi
1 -
2 - M.A of Sport Psychology, Department of Physical Education, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: depression, anxiety, pilates, aerobic exercises, women, elderly.,
Abstract :
Aim: The aim of this research was to identify the effect of aerobic exercises and pilates on depression and anxiety of elderly women . Method: In order to investigate the purpose of the research, 30 elderly women with depression and anxiety (mild and moderate) were selected by targeted and available sampling and divided into three groups (Pilates group, aerobic group, and control group). The data were collected using the standard Beck depression and anxiety questionnaires with 21 questions in the pre-test and were analyzed using SPSS software and descriptive and inferential tests. After performing exercises in two experimental groups (Pilates and Aerobics), the results of the findings were analyzed. After checking the normality of the collected data using the Kolmograf-Smirnov test, the hypothesis test was investigated. Results: The results of hypotheses with the covariance test showed that pilates and aerobic exercises have a positive and significant effect on the level of depression and anxiety in elderly women, which was significant at the 0.01 level. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it is suggested to use the protocol of Pilates and aerobic exercises in the current research to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
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