Investigating the effects of the element of time in the novel "Asatezatolvahm"
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
fariba sabokrooh
Katayoun Fallahi
1 - PhD candidate in Arabic language and literature, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
Keywords: Ali Badr, Iraqi contemporary novel, masters of illusion, story elements,
Abstract :
The story is the main tool of the author's narrative style, which is considered one of the important elements in the narrative. In the novel "Asatezatolvahm", Ali Badr has depicted a hidden page of the political, social and cultural situation of the Iraqi people in the 1980s in Baghdad and the problems of their lives in the chaotic atmosphere of the war between Iran and Iraq, he has expressed with his artistic vision in the form of characters in the novel. By creating a lively and believable atmosphere and with his appropriate characterisation, he has created a vivid and comprehensive narrative and a lasting and innovative work in a period of history and a historical reality with his strong imagination. A fact has become a story. His style in describing the novel is a combination of realism and literary fantasy. Based on the descriptive-analytical method, this article tries to investigate the element of time in the novel ""Asatezatolvahm" and how these elements have caused the order, continuity and sequence of this novel by Ali Badr.
Hindsight is the dominant aspect of this novel. The author, by mentally reviewing the memories of the main characters, has often been used to depict the relationships between the characters and their individual and social actions. Although Foresight has a small role in the mentioned novel but, it portrays mental disturbances and worries of The characters of the are one of the strong pain of this Novel. The author's careful focus on the subject of war, poetry and poetry among the youth of the eighties and the time jump
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