Examining the letter Number 21 of Farahani's “Monshaat” Based on the Experimental Function of Language in the Role-Oriented Approach of Halidi
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
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mohammadali gozashti
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2 - Member of faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
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Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Monshaa’t, Qaem Magham Farahani, Roger Fowler,
Abstract :
Critical Discourse Analysis emphasizes the principle that the language of literary texts, like other texts, serves communication and can be analyzed critically. In this article, Roger Fowler's theory in critical discourse analysis is selected and based on that, by looking at the context of the situation, the necessary knowledge has been obtained about the interaction in the text as well as the influence of the actors of the discourse. Also, the functions of the text have been studied from thought, interpersonal and textual perspectives.Theorists in the field of critical discourse analysis, including Norman Fairclough, Theon E. VanDyke, and Roger Fowler, have used Halliday's role theory as a tool for text analysis. This theory provides a tool for the researcher to find the ideology that governs the text and the ways that the speaker chooses to convey his thoughts, and it happens with the help of intellectual, interpersonal and textual roles at the level of language. The 21st letter of Monshath Qaim Maqam Farahani is a political letter written by Fath Ali-Shah Qajar to the Russian Tsar. Considering the cultural and political situation of the Qajar era and the social classifications regarding the position of the writer and the receiver, this letter is arranged from the lower position to the higher position, and among the communicative roles of language, the persuasive role of language prevails in its textual structure. According to the world view that governs the letter, the religious point of view is the most prominent manifestation and the main participant of the discourse in this letter of the king, whose way of naming shows the dominance of his power and ideology in this work.
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