Motif of the Qur'anic characters in Samih Al-Qasim Sustainability Poem
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
Masoud bavanpouri
Maryam Daryanavard
Hadiseh Motavali
Parvin Khalili
1 - Ph.D student Department of Arabic and literature, Shahid Madani University Tabriz. Iran.
2 - Ph.D student Department of Arabic and literature, Shahid Madani University Tabriz. Iran.
3 - Ph.D. student Department of Arabic and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch. Iran.
4 - Master of Arabic Language and Literature at Ilam University
Keywords: symbol, Holy Quran, Motif, Samih Al-Qasim, Palestine Poem,
Abstract :
Motif is one of the phenomena used to understand literary texts and serves to beautify the poetic subject, and also expresses the poet's efforts to further assist the readers in understanding poetry. One of the most important motifs that has strong and beautiful motifs proportional to the language and spirit of the poet is the re-reading of various characters in poetry; in fact, the motif of characters is a means for interpreting the poet's feelings. Sustained poetry is full of religious, mythical, and historical memories, and so on; religious rituals are of particular importance in Palestine's sustainability poetry. In many of his poems, the poets have used Qur'anic characters to bestow their emotions. Samih al-Qasim was one of the great contemporary Arab poets. He occasionally used these rationales and characters in accordance with their Qur'anic readings, and in other parts of his poems, he used this mystery according to his will. His poetry is full of epics spirit and resistance to Israel and oppression. The poet has been well versed in his poems about Qur'anic characters, enriching and deepening their poetic themes. The most important characters are Cain, Adam, Noah, Moses. All of them are symbols for fighting against oppression in their poetry. by studying the poems of Samih al-Qasim and using the descriptive-analytical method, the authors express the of Qur'anic characters of symbolic meaning of his poem and their implications.
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