Analysis of World War II reflections on both Simin Daneshvar’s Savashoon and Hanna Mine’s AlmasabihAlzorq (Lights of Blue) novels
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیSaeid Bozorg Bigdeli 1 , Hossein Ali Ghobadi 2 , Helwa Saleh 3 *
1 - Associate professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of TarbiatModares
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of TarbiatModares
3 - Master student of Persian Language and Literature, University of TarbiatModares
Keywords: World War II, Discourse Analysis, elements of fiction, Savashoon novel, Almasabih Alzorq novel,
Abstract :
The relationship between literature and society, is bidirectional link, to certify the nature and fate of the literary genre of the novel effect on the literary genres and literary forms. Novel is tied to the society more than other literary forms. Theme and characterization have the greatest role in the reflection of the society situations; therefore, in this article we have tried to analyze the reflection of World War II on theme and characterization. In this paper, the novel Almasabih Alzorq by the famous contemporary Syrian novelist, Hanna Mine and Savashoon by the famous Iranian novelist, Simin Daneshvar from the perspective of the impact of colonialism on both Iranian and Syrian societies have been reviewed. We have tried to analyze these two novels by using the theory of discourse analysis by Fairclough. The similarities and differences between these two novels were evaluated and examined. This led to the conclusion that both novels bear more similarities rather than differences in the colonialism attack and its reflections on Iran and Syria.
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