In the Holy Qur'an, check the meaning of the letter from the semantics and aesthetics of discourse
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیMasoumeh Pouya 1 * , Farhad Divsalar 2
1 - Ph.D. student of Arabic language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Karaj, Karaj.
2 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Holy Qur', an, Grammatical Semantic Square, Lett's Thought, Aesthetic-Emotional,
Abstract :
Holy Quran the greatest miracle of the religion of Islam shows new sights in every era. Some of the verses of the Holy Qur'an include the Wishes The Holy Quran This great miracle of the religion of Islam, in every era and era, watches its new front. The downsides of the verses of the Holy Qur'an include those that are equivalent to the letter of the Lithium that is one of these great scenes of strong and influential discourse. In this paper, we try to examine these verses by analytical-descriptive method from the perspective of the Grimes semantics square as well as the aesthetic-emotional aspect; an aspect which, as a flexible element, can control a structure with emotional elements, and translators The modern one seeks to understand and understand these subtle aspects in the translation of the word of revelation The most important goal we seek to achieve is the recognition of multiple layers and the application of this structure in emotional aesthetic discourse, taking into account contradictory, contradictory and complementary contrasts by the positive and negative actors, in these seemingly short terms, a large drama of four An effective pole in the discourse and emotions in the flood. In this regard, achieving a dynamic, vibrant and effective translation is our ultimate goal in this research. Studies show that God in the Holy Quran has expressed the words "Evil" in the language of humans in the two worldly and in the past, in very beautiful words and words, and expresses the desire and regret of what others have, or in a pity And regret what has been lost and gone. On the other hand, it expresses a wish for a future that is not available in the present circumstances.
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