Abu-Saeed Sirafi and Expositions of Sibawayhs Al-Kitab
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیSeiyed Babak Farzane 1 , khatoon Lari dashti 2 *
1 - Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department of North Azad University.
2 - MA student at Arabic Language and Literature at Tehran-Shomal University
Keywords: grammar, Hasan ebn abdolah Sirafi, Abu Saeed Sirafi commentary, Sibawayh,
Abstract :
Compitation of the grammatical rules of language after the speech became inevitable in any language. Arabic language also followed this trend. After establishing commentar grammar, a number of thinkers initated a series of discussions in this field of study. Sibawayh , as an example wrote a book on issues related to grammar. As this book was very influential on other researchers, a lot of thinkers such as Abu Saeed Sirafi a prominent grammarian of the 4th century AH,clucidatd the work. Besides an extensive explanation and interpretation of grammar. He also noted lexical and …… issues and has corrected or completed some of the narrations and dauments , and has put these complex issues in simple and terse terms. This, has resulted in extensive attention of his contemporary and future scholars to this work .That in turn helped student to learn grammar. A study of Sirafi ouvre and comparision of this intorprative work with others. Such as Rommani, Ghortobi, Ebn e kharouf, Alam and saffar, which have been documented . We understood that Sirafi did not simply explicated Alketab, whenever his ideas contradicated with Sibawayh ,found some faults in the work .He has expressed his own ideas, corrected. Further, a study of the interpretive works suggest that Sirafis’work more significaut than others.
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