Relation between power will and value in nietzche's thoughts and shamloo
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
Mohammad Akvan
Elham Nazem
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.
2 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Power, Shamloo, value, Will, Nietzche,
Abstract :
The notion of power and its meanings are related to Nietzche's thought central concepts .From his point of view ,power is human's stimulant force for life. The present study is to consider how power occurred throughout periods of time , and in what manner it happened ,and with what distinctive faculty it is circulating in the whole world . Furthermore, in what way will , value , and its relationships following the connected concepts of power and will are propounded in Nietzche's thoughts and then in Shamloo's views ,Because Shamloo mentioned the same notions as Nietzche's thoughts in his poems in most cases as well ; whether it is about the theory of power , or it is discussing love and freedom and particularly in arguing about evaluating and validating ; whether it is because of being familiar with those thoughts and notion , or it is due to the complete similarity. The current paper attempts to analyze and criticize these views and opinions in Nietzche and Shamloo's written prose and poems . However ,this criticism is composed of some various point of views of these two thinker.
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