Evolution in khaghani poems with the precedents point of view in mind
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیSara Farzaneh 1 * , Abbas Mahyar 2
1 - PhD student of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Karaj
2 - full Profesor Department of Language and Farsi Literature ,Karj branch, Islamic Azad University, karj, Iran
Keywords: Khaghani, evolution, perfect man, khaghani poem,
Abstract :
Khaghani poem is a standard example to investigate his time line of beliefs and life due to his ups and downs In the childhood and environment , style of thinking and skills to use different sciences and thoughts , he used different knowledge and skills not as a starting point and origin , but he as a knowledgeable man made use of them in the most beautiful and skilful way in internal layers of his poems , in a way that in the intertextuality considerations , his poems can be investigated by two levels of conceptual and verbal and notice the effect of holy book , story of prophets ,modern science of those days , mathematics , literature , interoperation , etc in his poems. This research is the result of investigating beliefs and life time line in khaghani poems , for this purpose libertarian resources and document review were used. Results of this investigation show that khaghani poems and the poet himself were influenced by those that made scientific and intellectual improvements possible , environment of the kingdom , events in his lifetime and with the help of modern sciences of those ages , he was able to travel the Longueur path . in this travel , maturity of her experiences and his turning in to a poet is obvious that necessitates deep investigations only by critics ,scholars and those brave and powerful interested poets.
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