The manifestations of informed innovation in Abonovas songs
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیmaryam ranaeipour 1 , enayat fatehie nezhad 2 *
1 - PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. Tehran Iran.
2 - tehran markaz
Keywords: Abbasiera", "poem", "informed innovation", "Abonovas,
Abstract :
The manifestations of informed innovation in Abonovas songsAbonovas is one of the most famous modern poets in Abbasi era that he lined up and positioning toward ignorant poetry tradition and saw poetry as style and manner of predecessors useless and ineffective. Abonovas difference from his peers in this field not only poem attention was to new themes and throwing a new design in a static building and body of Arabic poetry, but also Abonovas declared disgust and struggle with all of ignorance heritage loudly and clearly. This paper studies explanation of call dimensions of this poetic coup of Abonovas and also analyzes and checks the manifestations of poet innovation in Arabic poetry informed as descriptive-analytic method. The research findings show that Abonovas in tallali (lover house ruins) introductions sometimes invited in leaving the beginning of the poetry in this style of ignorant and called his followers to describe wine gatherings. He occasionally mentioned ironically the name of places that used more in ignorant poetry. And of other poets set aside this ancient style of poetry and sometimes deals with comparison and balance of ignorance life and luxury life in Abbasi era and counts well-being and comfort in this life. The poet in Qazal introductions included more literacy arrays in his poetic images that convey the meanings deeper to the audience. It's also checking the description of lover position. The poet obeyed his specific style and described his trip and private events. Keywords: Abbasi era, Poem, Informed innovation, Abonovas
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