Analysis of intertextual theory in the field of Arabic literary criticism, translations provided from it and introduction of elders in this Field
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیsajad arabi 1 * , hamidreza gholami 2
1 - Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University
2 - Payame Noor University of Babylon.
Keywords: intertextuality, the legacy of ancient Arabic criticism, Arabic literary criticism, Arab critics,
Abstract :
The concept of intertextuality was introduced in 1982 by Siza Qasim in an article called “Paradoxical view in contemporary Arabic stories” in the discourse of contemporary Arabic criticism. This theory was accom pained by different reactions from Arab critics and they have provided different translation of it, and have different views and same have theorized about this and they raised view that had hot been raised in this field until then.In the present study, an attempt is made to study and analyze intertextual theory in the field of Arabic literary criticism by descriptive-analytical method, and to examine the most important efforts and works of authors in this field in the Arab world. The results show that the efforts of contemporary Arab critics on intertextuality have taken two trends so far which are: The first is to refer to the field of ancient criticism and adapt this theory to the critical heritage, and the second is to suffice with the new form of intertextual theory without referring to the ancient heritage of literary criticism.Contemporary Arab critics have made great strides in both practical and theoretical terms, Their efforts and achievements in this field and other new theories show this.
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