Critical Discourse Analysis in the Poetry of Seyed Hassan Hosseini Safarnameh Khaizaran on Fairclough Discourse Analysis Theory
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیmarzieh hosseini rokn abadi 1 * , reza fahimi 2 , manijeh fallahi 3
1 - Saveh Branch Azad University
2 - Assistant Professor, Azad University, Saveh Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Azad University, Saveh Branch
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Seyyed Hassan Hosseini, Ashura epic, Shahadat, Farklaf,
Abstract :
Discourse is a type of language application in a specific field and the study of social and cultural developments affecting the language structure. According to Fairclough, discourse analysis is the integration of text and society with the structure of language. Discourses are different representations of social life that place social actors in different situations and represent social life in different ways to creatively create a regular world through everyday methods. The analysis of each discourse has three perspectives;Analyzing the forms and structures of syntax that represent the author's point of view, the use of literary arts that is a big step in the personalization of language, and the analysis of the nature of literary speech that is a great way of communication in the service of society. Hosseini connects the melodious words to the symbol of zeal and the anti-tyranny nation and removes the objective veils from this great event. In his Ashura poem "Safarnameh Khaizran", he depicts the oppressed martyrdom of Alamdar of Karbala with an epic and strong tone in the form of Nimai's poetry. The upcoming research with descriptive and Analytical metod looking for answer to this question that what is the use of language and discourse in this poem?
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