Combining AHP Approach with GIS for Construction and Demolition Waste Landfill Selection (Case Study: Haftkel Township, Khuzestan province)
Subject Areas : Geography and Urban Planning
Mohammad Sadegh Zangeneh
Dr. Narges Monjezi
Dr. Azita Zangeneh
Mahsa Abdollahi
1 - M.A., GIS, Agricultural Engineering System and Natural Resources Organization, Khuzestan province,
2 - Assistant Professor,Department of Experimental sciences, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran.
3 - Ph,D Khuzestan Farhangian University, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - Ph,D Student Structural and Tectonic Geology, Department of Geology, Birjand University, Iran
Keywords: Site Selection, AHP, GIS, Construction and Demolition Waste, Haftkel.,
Abstract :
The rapid increase in the population and the increase in the rate of urbanization is one of the concerns of the city authorities for the management of construction and demolition waste. These solid wastes lead to the destruction of soil, air and water bodies and pose serious risks to human health. The present study focuses on the combination of AHP model approach with GIS for the optimal location of construction and demolition waste burial site in Haftkal city (Khuzestan province). In this research, with the help of experts' opinion, 3 groups of main criteria, 12 sub-criteria and also benefiting from the hierarchical analysis of the positioning process were used. With the help of Expert Choice software, the comparison of the main criteria and sub-criteria was done, and among the three groups of main criteria, the morphological criterion with a weight of 0.443 has the most weight, and among the sub-criteria, slope (0.800), geology (0.293), distance They got the most weight from underground water wells (0.293) and distance from roads (0.411).The obtained weights were applied to each of the criterion layers in Arc GIS software with the help of the Weighted Sum command, and the final result of this research showed that 27229.79 hectares of land in Haftkal city is in a very suitable area for the construction of a construction and demolition waste burial site.
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