The poems of kings Jong No. 3423, National Library of Paris
Subject Areas :
Firoozeh Hashemi fesharaki
مهرداد چترایی
محبوبه خراسانی
Shahrzad Niazi
1 - Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
2 -
3 - سردبیر
4 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Manuscript, newly discovered poems, Poet kings, Jong No. 3423 of the National Library of Paris, Correction.,
Abstract :
The manuscripts from past centuries contain valuable historical and literary achievements, and their correction leads to the solution of many problems and ambiguities in both prose and verse texts. Jongs are one type of literary manuscript that are important sources for identifying poets, their lives, and their works. Identifying the poets of verses, gaining access to forgotten, lost, and new or old forms of known poems are also other advantages of research on literary jongs. Jong No. 3423 of the National Library of Paris is a jong mixed with prose notes and Persian and Arabic verses dating back to the 9th century AH that provides researchers with useful information about the poems of famous, anonymous, and unknown poets. More than one third of the Persian poems in this jong are newly discovered, and the new readings recorded in it resolve many of the ambiguous meanings and weighty disturbances of verses in literary works. In this research, in addition to a brief introduction to this manuscript, the Persian poems of the poet kings of this manuscript have been corrected and presented for the first time. By referring to tazkiras, literary histories, and poetic collections about their poets, the new readings and their newness have been investigated.
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