Effect of the plant density and sowing date on kernel yield in early maturing maize
Subject Areas : New Finding in AgricultureMohammad Hoseyn Haddadi 1 * , M. Mohseni 2
1 - Member of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Mazandaran Province, Mazadaran, Iran
2 - Member of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Mazandaran Province, Mazadaran, Iran
Keywords: Plant density, corn, Sowing date, kernel yield,
Abstract :
In order to determine the best planting dates and plant densities of corn for kernelyield, two early and very early maturity corn cultivars (SC 108 and SC301) wereplanted separately on three planting dates ( 22 Jun ,1 Jul and11Jul ) for twoyears ( 2009 – 2010) . Plant densities were 75000 , 85000 , 95000 and 105000plants per hectar. A split plot design with three replications was used .Sowing dates and plant densities were alocated to main plots and sub plots, respectively. Two experimentswere done in two locations , Qaemshahr (Qarakhyle ) and Neka (Bayekola) , and with two cultivars ( SC 301 and SC108 ) .Kernel yield for each plot and each treatment were evaluated. The best plantingdate and plant density were determined for two years . In Bayekola location ,for SC301 cultivar , the best density was 75000 plants per hectare with kernelaverage yield of 8.1 t/ha . For SC 108 cultivar , highest kernel yield was 7.3t/ha with 85000 plants per hectare . In Qarakhyle , for SC301 cultivar , thebest density was 75000 plants per hectar with kernel average yield of 7.7 t/ha. In this location , for SC108 the highest kernel yield was 7.2 t/ha and thebest density was 85000 plants per hectar.In general, planting date and plantdensity affected on 1000 kernel weight Result showed that SC301 had higheryield than SC108 after wheat harvest
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