The study of biological manure effect on decreasing demand chemical fertilizer in Hyssopus officinalis L
Subject Areas : New Finding in AgricultureN. Nemati 1 * , A. Pazoki 2 , GH. Naderi 3 , S. Taherabadi 4
1 - Department of Agronomy, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran
3 - Department of Agronomy, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
4 - M.Sc Student of Agronomy, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran
Keywords: yield, Essential Oil, phosphorus release, Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, Hyssopus officinalis L. Arak,
Abstract :
There is noticeable insoluble phosphorus in the soil and some of bacterium have not capability of release insoluble phosphorus. Today, the lack of this element have compensate with use of chemical Fertilizer, chemical fertilizer have harmful effect on the bioenvironmental and decrease quality of agriculture production. Literally in nowadays for developing sustainable agriculture execute system with sufficient form inputs with integrated usage of chemical fertilizer and bio fertilizer specially bio fertilizer as a effective solution for replacing Agriculture for produce crop and keeping yield crop in a acceptable level. This study had performed in order to; study the effect of the release Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on Hyssopus officinalis L. This experiment performed in the randomized complete blocks base design as a factorial with three frequencies. Two level Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PS1: use Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria), (PS0: no use Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria) and five level (P0: 0kg/h pure P2O5), (P90: 90 kg/h pure P2O5) (p115: 115 kg/h pure P2O5), (P140:140 kg/h pure P2O5), (P165:165 kg/h pure P2O5). In this research used Triple phosphate super as phosphate fertilizer and Baver2 as Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria.This research had performed in Arak in year 1388. The results of this experiment showed that, the mixture of biologic phosphorus and Triple phosphate super, Characteristic. plant height, flower branch height, the number of flower branch,percent of essential oil, yield of essential oil per hectare, noticeable increase with application phosphorus fertilizer treatment as compared with non-phosphorus fertilizer treatment.Almost use of 90 Kg/h with Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria was best in total Characteristic. Interaction between phosphorus and Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria all of characteristic was signification. it can be concluded that, we can reduce phosphorus fertilizer to 50% in the seeds yield, by using release bacteria, without any significant reduction.
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