Effects of zinc sulfate application on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L var. Shiroudi)
Subject Areas : New Finding in AgricultureH. Hosein zadeh 1 * , A. Mahdavi Damghani 2 , B. Delkhosh 3 , A. Mohadesi 4
1 - Department of Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Agroecology, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University
3 - Department of Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Rice Research Institute, Ministry of Agri-Jihad, Rasht
Keywords: Grain yield, Rice, Zinc, Sustainable production,
Abstract :
Today, due to the increasing world population need to increase production of cereals, especially rice, expected to increase sustainable yield with the aim of research done. Nutrition Zinc to be important in rice production has. The effect of zinc sulfate spray Chelate on yield and yield components of Shiroodi rice cultivar, experimental research station in rice treated with 5 Tonekabon zero, 2, 4, 6 and 8 thousand Chelate sprayed zinc sulfate in the fourth repeat randomized complete block design was conducted. Sprayed in three stages one month after transplanting seedlings to the main field after flowering and milky stage were performed. The results showed that zinc sulfate spray Chelate significant effect on grain weight, number of tillers per square meter, number of panicles and percentage of seed grain was high. Concentration of 2 per thousand, most grain weight and tillers per square meter and number of grains per panicle were recorded and the lowest values of this index in the control group were observed. Since the building as a factor, carbohydrate metabolism and making proteins, the results of this experiment can be positive effects on the physiology of growth and yield of rice is produced. The results also showed that the concentration of two thousand best yield and yield components produced and used in the dose of zinc sulfate, as well as economic terms will be acceptable and positive effect on rice yield will increase.
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