Effect of different sowing methods and harvest times on the morphological characteristics and yield of forage sorghum (sorghum bicolor) CV. Speed-Feed in Iranshahr region.
احمد مهربان
عضو هیت علمی دانشگاه ازاد زاهئان
afsaneh kamali deljoo
MSc in Crop
امید عزیزیان شرمه
Master of phytochemistry
Keywords: forage sorghum, Morphological, Harvest time, culture methods, functional,
Abstract :
To study the effects of different sowing methods and harvest times on the morphological characteristics and forage yield of forag sorghum (CV. Speed-Feed) an experiment was conducted at Agricultural and Natural resources research center of Balouchestan in 2013-2014. The experiment was conducted as strip plots in a randomized complete block design with3 replications. Three sowing methodsviz.Broadcasting, drill and furrow planting and three harvest times viz 50, 60 and 70 days aftersowing were considered as vertical and horizontal strips respectively.Morphological characteristics including plant, fresh and dry weight of stems and leaves ratio, N, P, K and protein percents were measured.Results showed that sowing method had significan effects on the plant, Fresh and dry weight, tiller number per plant and Fresh and dry weight, of leaves and stems, but it wasn’t affected leaf length, leaf width, leaf number per stem. Leaf to stem ratio, N, P, K and protein percent significantly. Maximum fresh and dry fodder yields with 108.3 and 27.23 ton/hec were observed in furrow and drill planting respectively. Harvest time had significant effect on the plant height, leaf length, Leaf width, leaf number per plant, fresh and dry biomasses, leaf to stem ratio, fresh and dry weight of stems and leaves, N and protein percents.planting respectively when harvest was done 70 days after sowing in both of mentioned sowing methods and these treatments can be recommended for increasing qualitative yield of forage sorghum cv. Speed-feed in Iranshahr region condition.