Analyzing the performance of managers in preventing damage urban hazards with an emphasis on passive defense in order to preserve environmental ecosystem)case study:Noshahr city)
Subject Areas : geoghraghyFarhad Bani Sheykh Aleslami 1 , Ameneh Haghzad 2 *
1 - دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا
2 - Geography group-Faculty of Literature-Chalus-Iran
Keywords: Passive Defense, urbanization, Urban managers, Natural Ecosystem, urban risks,
Abstract :
Iran its special geographical ecosystem Iran has always been exposed to all kinds natural and human hazards and has suffered heavy human and financial losses.As human settlements,cities are not exempted from occurrence such disasters. Managers' lack attention proper location and planning prevent unbridled growth cities has caused many problems.The process crisis management is important topic in strategy preventing and reducing urban damages.Themain goal this research is analyze performance of city managers preventing damages caused risks passive defense.Itis survey in which questionnaires containing closedended questio Likert scale were used. Analysis and analysis data was done using factor analysis test comparison mean sample was done. From statisticalcommunity experts and managers Mazandaran's city Nousher, using snowball method,60people were selected as sample.The findings of research show performance urban managers in indicators infrastructure support,design, planning in reducing urban risks has been favorable and relativelyfavorable.Factor analysis related to 63 components the research has led the researcherto 8 important and effective factors related to performance of urban managers to reduce urban risks.The first factorwith a specific value of 5.5 (with a total variance of 11.8)and fourth component includes allocation credit for training citizens to deal with urban risks. Optimum location treatment and aid centers,attention to climate in construction buildings attentionto slope and topography in establishment buildings,which has assigned the most factor to the first component.The results path analysis the indicators affecting performance urban managers, factor natural environment city with a total effect value0.607 has the most effect on performance of managers.Urban risk reductionis the scope study.
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