Manifestation of end-of-the-world perfect man under socialmaturity from the quran and Islamic mysticism standpoint focusing on emergence factors
Subject Areas : Islamic Mysticism
Mohsen karami
Ali Hossein Ehteshami
Seyed Hamid hoseini
1 - PhD Student, Quranic Science and Hadith, Islamic Azad University, hamedan Branch, hamedan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Quranic Science and Hadith, Islamic Azad University, hamedan Branch, hamedan, Iran
Abstract :
Social maturity begins with the steps of an individual from a single origin. Social maturity leads to the growth of intellectual and moral responsibilities and empathy in fulfilling the covenant and unity of purpose and the resulting attributes and laws. Moreover, it can continue with the manifestation of divine names and the full-length mirror of the Almighty towards the good life. The manifestation of the perfect human being, with one of the most important components of pre-emergence namely social maturity, is significantly affected by the causal relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to study it in the context of the emergence of the perfect man of the apocalypse. Undoubtedly, the emergence of the perfect man as a total evolution and according to ordinary providence is the product of the divine law of destiny and the element of authority, as well as the reflection of the divine tradition of thanksgiving and disbelief of blessings. In this study, the evaluation of the positive components of pre-emergence social maturity from the perspective of the Holy Quran and Islamic mysticism with an epistemological perspective and descriptive-analytical method using library resources has been considered. The results indicate that there is a significant two-way correlation between the positive components of social maturity and the occurrence of the complete emergence of the apocalypse. Thus, the growth in adornment with the positive causes of social maturity will increasingly hasten the emergence.