Recognition of the Effect of Mystical (Shiite) Thought on the Emergence of the Centrifugal Model of the Persian Garden Reference in the Architecture of Iranian Gardens
Subject Areas : Islamic Mysticism
1 - Department of Architecture, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.
Abstract :
There is a cosmological thinking in the imagination of Iranians in the form of an image that divides the space into four parts by four rivers with vertical axes, which is called the reference model of the Persian garden. Algebraic geometry was considered as a kind of regular formation of nature, while these geometries were especially responsive to mystical and sacred structures. Since mystical language is the language of simile and allegory in Islamic art, especially during the Safavid period, the purpose of this study is to recognize the influence of mystical-Shiite thought on the emergence of a reference model in Iranian gardens. According to the theoretical foundation of the research, which is based on the Islamic Wisdom System, a combined method is used which consists of analysis of qualitative content and inferential reasoning which is tested in the historical context using determinative evidence and of course according to Due to the historical interpretive nature of some hypotheses, its orientation (study) will be explanatory-narrative, their interpretation is based on the content analysis of historical texts, combined with logical reasoning. In conclusion, The research findings show that the peak of Shiite mystical thinking in the unified system of Safavid government, the bedrock The centralist allegorical idea in the conclusion of the Persian garden as two intersecting axes perpendicular to each other around the middle pavilion with placement provided the pond at its heart to match the centrifugal geometry of the Iranian garden reference pattern.