Ama position in ontological debates
Subject Areas : Islamic Mysticism
1 - دکتری عرفان اسلامی،مدرس دانشگاه فرهنگیان،
Keywords: AMa’, Bokhare-ame, khiyal al_ motlagh, Nafas-al-Rahmani, truth Voujood,
Abstract :
AMa’includes all forms of life, such as proximate angels, types and kinds of people, so it takes the appearance of the whole world. AMa’ so Voujod_al_monbaset thatall of the Gabarout to the Nasoot as a holistic unit and covers included. AMa’ such as the right to Nafas al-Rahmani, depending on his own, can be used at two levels: An expansive as the one kolgera which includes of the Gabarou to the Nasoot, and that the higher level of the Malakout that the promise Ahadyat or Vahedyat. That is whysome people it Ahadyat and some have attributed it to Vahedyat. Itis for this reason that AMa’ interpreted as a thin cloud, some Ahadyat officials have said it, because as Ahadyat the veil of dignity and sublimity Sama, and some Vahedyat officials have said it, because as an intermediary between Sama refers Vahedyat and Tqyyd arz, as the cloud is the intermediary between Sama and Arz.