Finger Printing Localization in WIMAX Network Based on RSS and Modulation
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesMeghdad Kaheh 1 * , Mohammad farzan Sabahi 2 , Mohsen Ashourian 3
1 - Majlesi University & ali abad power plant
2 - Isfahan university
3 - Majlesi Branch,Islamic Azad University
Keywords: en,
Abstract :
Among techniques based on power, fingerprinting method has the highest level of accuracy. In this method,error caused by the none line of sight (NLoS) between base station and user is compensable. However, some problems of the technique for implementation are: need to gather high-capacity database and necessity of update and computational complexity to estimate the position. In this paper, The similar BCCH and Cell-ID and the used modulation and received signal strength (RSS) employed for filtering existing point in database to reduce computational complexity which is a novel technique. By executing the proposed algorithm in a part of Isfahan metropolis, the calculated average error of the suggested technique is 21 meters which its error is less than other techniques.
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