A Hybrid Model for Evaluating Leagile Supply Chain Performance in Industry
Subject Areas :
policy making
Sayyid Ali Banihashemi
Zahra Heydarnia
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Iran
Received: 2019-03-12
Accepted : 2019-03-12
Published : 2018-03-01
Agile Supply Chain,
supply chain management,
Lean Supply Chain,
Leagile Manufacturing,
Abstract :
Supply chain management (SCM) is one of the most important of the areas that have recently generated a great deal of interest in both industry and academia. SCM is considered an integrating philosophy to manage the total flows of materials, products and information from suppliers to the ultimate customers. The changing conditions of competition, for organizations to become more responsive and also more efficient are driving the interest in the concept of supply chain agility and leanness. The main objective of this paper is to suggest an index to reflect the agility and leanness of companies and corresponding SCs in the industry. The purpose of this paper, providing an index using two paradigms, Lean supply chain and Agile supply chain, to evaluate the Company's performance. Therefore, company to review its supply chain list, a series of criteria that are discussed in paradigm, and weighted those uses AHP method. The company evaluated its performance using a standardized questionnaire designed.
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