Explaining Strategies for Improving Housing Quality from a Phenomenological Perspective by Studying the Space Syntax of Traditional Houses (Comparison of Qajar, Pahlavi and Contemporary Houses in Mashhad City)
Subject Areas : City architect
atefeh jabbari
مریم قلمبر دزفولی
Hossein Moradinasab
Mahmoud Mahmoud Nikkhah Shahmirzadi
1 - -
2 - استادیار گروه شهرسازی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامس واحد پردیس
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Seman, Iran
4 - Member of the academic staff of the Civil Engineering Department of Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran
Keywords: traditional houses, phenomenology, space syntax, Mashhad city,
Abstract :
The home space is one of the most important human living spaces. In recent years, the constructions in Iran have created poor quality spaces. These spaces are not in accordance with the lifestyle and cultural roots of humans. Continuation of this style of space design can fuel human mental and emotional problems. The aim of this research is to study the architectural space of Traditional houses in Mashhad, to use the qualities of these houses in formulating strategies to improve the quality of modern houses. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and mixed in nature. The type of descriptive-analytical research and the collection of primary information has been done through library studies. A case study has been used in the analysis section. The recognition part is mainly descriptive and is done by photographing or studying the existing documents and documents of traditional houses. The knowledge section of today's houses has been done by observation and field visit. Data analysis was done using depthmap software. The findings of the research show that the quality of modern houses has decreased in terms of efficiency, beauty and safety compared to traditional houses, and the quality of contemporary houses has increased in terms of accessibility. Finally, in this research, according to the comparison of the reduced qualities in today's houses, solutions have been presented to create order and spatial integrity and increase visual order, increase security and interaction of spaces with each other, and create spatial proportions.
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