evaluating the criteria of knowledge-based urban development in order to achieve a local model of knowledge-based urban development in Pardis city with a regional development approach by the combined technique of z-socore and BWM
Subject Areas : City architectALI ADIB 1 , FARAH HABIB 2 * , Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi 3
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department OF Urban Development , Faculty of Civil, and Art and Architecture ,Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,IRAN
2 - Prof, Faculty of Art and Architecture ,Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,IRAN
3 - Assistant professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran.
Keywords: Knowledg city, , , , , regional development, , , , , knowledge based urban development, , , , , Pardis city,
Abstract :
Knowledge is one of the most important resources for competition and development in today's economy. Therefore, knowledge-based cities are considered as a suitable solution for economic growth and development of regions and improving the quality of life in the 21st century. The main goal of this research is to formulate solid theoretical foundations regarding the impact of knowledge-based cities on regional development and the micro-goal is to identify the components and criteria of a knowledge-based city in order to achieve a proposed local framework for knowledge-based urban development in Pardis city. The research philosophy is pragmatism with a positive orientation and analytical research method, and the research approach is based on the nature of the data in a combined (inductive and deductive) manner.In this research, in order to reach a proposed local framework for the development of a knowledge-based city, it explains and evaluates the components and criteria of a knowledge-based city in Pardis city. In order to achieve this goal, the desired components and criteria were determined using documentary studies and theoretical and experimental bases, and a questionnaire with 65 items was distributed among the decision-making group consisting of 40 members of the target group, using the Delphi method. The z-score method was used to extract the best indicators, and the weight of the components and criteria was calculated based on the Likert spectrum and the best-best method. In the following, the research questions were answered, which are the criteria and indicators necessary to transform Pardis city into a knowledge-based city and what will be their priority to achieve a successful knowledge-based city.In fact, six social, economic, managerial, perceptual, spatial organization and urban infrastructure components were defined as the proposed components for knowledge-based urban development and their related indicators. The results of the research show that the economic component with a score of 0.42 is in the first place, the social and cultural component is in the second place with a score of 0.35 and the urban infrastructure component is in the third place with a score of 0.21 in terms of importance in Pardis city and in line with every One of the mentioned components, the indicators related to them were prioritized and necessary proposals were presented to transform Pardis city into a knowledge-based city with the aim of regional development
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