The position of the media in analyzing the relationship between banks and depositors in the power of attorney contract
Subject Areas : Media ManagementALI BASIRI 1 , Akbar Fallah 2 * , Mohammad ali kheirollahi 3
1 - President of Islamic Azad University, Branch OF NOWSHAHR
2 - Faculty member of Azad University, Babol Branch
3 - Faculty member of Azad University, Babol Branch
Keywords: Deposit, depositor, banking operations, advocacy, borrowing,
Abstract :
With the passage of the Law on Interest-Free Banking Operations in September 1983, the legislature has tried to bring bank operations into line with Islamic standards. But by examining the relationship that exists between depositors and banks on the one hand, and between banks and investors on the other, it is clear that the legislature is more It seeks to justify the banks' practice of pursuing monetary policy in accordance with Islamic law. In any case, Islamic jurisprudence cannot ignore the nature and issues related to bank depositors according to the operations carried out by this huge financial institution, so the law on interest-free banking operations was approved in September 1983 and from the beginning of 1984. It was implemented. According to the findings of this study, either the will and agreement of the parties (depositor and bank) should be respected and this type of contract should be considered effective, or due to the pervasiveness of the religion of Islam by examining and considering jurisprudential sources to meet the needs Let's get a new human. Also, with the conditions of time and place, there has been a great evolution in inferential rulings. In this regard, the role that the media plays in the dynamism and enrichment of such issues is not hidden from anyone.
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