The Comparison of Attention to News of Different TV Channels in Young Audiences: The Role of Gender and Tracking
Subject Areas : Media Management
shahla pakdaman
seddighe alsadat mirzaei
rouhollah mansouri sepehr
1 - دانشیار، گروه روانشناسی، دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی تهران، ایران
2 - دکتری روانشناسی، دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، تهران، ایران
3 - دکتری روانشناسی، دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، تهران، ایران
Keywords: TV, Gender, News, tracking, Cognitive components, Attention, Emotional components,
Abstract :
News plays an important role in creating political, social and economic awareness that is necessary for the preservation of life and the development of society. At the same time, our country, Iran, has gone through many political, socio-economic crises and is now facing many challenges in this field, and every day, several news items are published in this field. It does and needs to act in a way that can compete with external news sources such as cyberspace. Therefore, it is necessary to know the factors that attract the attention of the audience in order to make the necessary plans in this field in order to increase the attention and tracking and then more convince of audiences. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of determining that male and female audiences pay more attention to which television channels and how is the amount of attention paid by people who have more tracking compared to people with less tracking. Therefore, the research was conducted experimentally with the between and within subject designs. This study was experimental. The statistical population consisted of undergraduate and postgraduate students of universities in Tehran during 2018-2019, out of which 60 were selected first by cluster and then purposefully sampling. The tools include researcher-made Tracking Questionnaire of Iran broadcasting, Eye Tracking System, and piece of news that were performed on sample and data were analyzed by SPSS21 and mixed analysis of variance method. The results showed that women pay more attention to the news of channel 2 and 3 than men. On the other hand, men pay more attention to the news of 1 and the News channel. Also, the results showed that more tracking in men is associated with more attention to channel 1 and News, while in women, on the contrary, as the amount of tracking increases, their attention to channel 2 and 3 news decreases. Therefore, in order to increase the audience of news and convince them, the Broadcasting Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran should consider whether the audience is male or female and the components of attracting people's attention.
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_||_Adenzato, M., Brambilla, M., Manenti, R., De Lucia, L., Trojano, L., Garofalo, S., Enrici, I. & Cotelli, M. (2017). “Gender differences in cognitive Theory of Mind revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation on medial prefrontal cortex”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 7(1), PP. 1-9.
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Atkin, C. (1973). “Instrumental utilities and information seeking. In new models of communication research”, ed. Peter Clark, Newbury Park, PP. 205-242.
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Chaffee, SH. & Schleuder, J. (1986). “Measurement and effects of attention to media news”, Human communication research, Vol. 13(1), PP. 76-107.
Darley, WK. & Smith, RE. (1995). “Gender differences in information processing strategies: An empirical test of the selectivity model in advertising response”, Journal of advertising, Vol. 24(1), PP. 41-56.
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Eysenck, MW., Derakshan, N., Santos, R. & Calvo, MG. (2007). “Anxiety and cognitive performance: attentional control theory”, Emotion, Vol. 7(2), P. 336.
Findahl, O. (2001). “News in our minds. In K. Renckstorf, D. McQuail, & N. Jankowski (Eds.), Television news research: Recent European approaches and findings”, Chicago: Quintessence, PP. 111-128.
Guo, L., Su, C. & Lee, H. (2019). “Effects of Issue Involvement, News Attention, Perceived Knowledge, and Perceived Influence of Anti-Corruption News on Chinese Students’ Political Participation”, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 96(2), PP. 452-72.
Jensen, JD. (2011). “Knowledge acquisition following exposure to cancer news articles: A test of the cognitive mediation model”, Journal of Communication, Vol. 61(3), PP. 514-534.
Jiang, X., Hwang, J., Shah, DV., Ghosh, S. & Brauer, M. (2022). News attention and social-distancing behavior amid covid-19: How media trust and social norms moderate a mediated relationship”, Health Communication, Vol. 37(6), PP. 768-777.
Lang, A. (2000). “The limited capacity model of mediated message processing”, Journal of communication, Vol. 50(1), PP. 46-70.
Myllylahti, M. (2020). “Paying attention to attention: A conceptual framework for studying news reader revenue models related to platforms”, Digital Journalism, Vol. 8(5), PP. 567-575.
Park, DC. (2015). “Effect of audience's cognition desire and attention to TV documentary on acquirement of information and understanding”, Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol. 13(3), PP. 241-247.
Pennycook, G. & Rand, DG. (2021). “The psychology of fake news. Trends in cognitive sciences, Vol. 25(5), PP. 388-402.
Schramm, W. (1954). “How communication works”, The process and effects of mass communication, Vol. 3, P. 26.
Stoet, G. (2017). “Sex differences in the Simon task help to interpret sex differences in selective attention”, Psychological research, Vol. 81(3), PP. 571-581.
Sülflow, M., Schäfer, S. & Winter, S. (2019). “Selective attention in the news feed: An eye-tracking study on the perception and selection of political news posts on Facebook”, new media & society, Vol. 21(1), PP. 168-90.
Van Dijk, TA. (1988). “News as discourse”, Hillsdale, NJ: L.