The most important factors to expanding networked organizational communication for making a model (among emploee of central office of Elmi – karbordy university)
Subject Areas : Media Managementsepideh tarzami nejad 1 , Afsaneh Mozaffari 2 * , Ali Delavar 3
2 - social mass communication department, human sciences faculty, Olom Tahghighat university
3 - Educational Scince Department, Psychological Faculty, Allameh Tabatabaee University
Keywords: Informaitional technology, Participants, Communication contexts in organization and Improvement of networked organizational communication,
Abstract :
In this study, We want to know the most important factors to expanding networked organizational communication for making a model among employee of central office of Elmi – karbordy university. use material from “theoretical and field studies” in terms of “reference model for the implementation of networked communication”.To gain this kind of communication for conceptual model of our study we read the article and documents that are related with ore related with our study and then used the interview technique. after calculating the Choronbachs Alpha we distributed the questionnaire among our samples.finally we used the statistical software like Smart pls to designed the final model of our study. Empirical data resulted in correlation research method and step by step regression and structural equation mode with stepwise method show how “participants, information technology and communication contexts of organization” (X1), “characteristics factors of participants” (X2), “qualitative properties of IT” (X3) and “communication contexts in organization” (X4) caused “networked organizational communication (Y)”. We conclude, today networked organizational communication is important that can shift the most cooperation of people in communication contexts in organization and this argument evolve the new shape with development of information technologies. Thus, we should study the role of information technologies in network communication area with grandiose and forward thinking perspective and establish basic and fundamental structures for future until encourage cooperational interactions among people.