Examining the effects of habit breaking in the works of Shahrnoush Parsipour
Subject Areas : journal of literary criticism and stylistics research
mina khoobani
Mohammadreza Masoumi
mohammadhadi khaleghzadeh
1 - Daneshjoy Zaban and Persian literature Daneshgah Islamic Azad Yasuj
2 - Persian Language and Literature Department,. Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Iran
Keywords: Breaking the habit, Parsipour city, transformation, spiritual journey,
Abstract :
Women's fiction has a major contribution to the world's contemporary literature, and by examining their works, one can understand their concerns, thoughts and attitudes. Shahrnoush Parsipour is one of the writers who tried to redefine the elements of women's life in the 1950s and 1960s by creating numerous fiction works. One of the coordinates of his style is the breaking of habits by the characters of the story. Since women are at the center of his stories, most of these strange and mind-boggling events are by women or in connection with women. By breaking the habit, Parsipour brings his literature closer to magical realism, and with the help of this method, he presents women as amazing creatures with special powers. The method of the current research is descriptive-analytical and it has been concluded that the effects of breaking habits in Parsipur stories include the transformation of man into elements of nature such as trees and seeds, soil, light and animals such as butterflies, the power of rebirth after death and spiritual journey. They are on the timeline. Several years of pregnancy, not seeing men, etc. are other manifestations of breaking habits in these works.
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