The evolution of Shafi'i-Kadkani views in the critique of contemporary poetry (Based on the characteristics of his research method)
Subject Areas : journal of literary criticism and stylistics researchHoseyn Ghorbanpoor 1 , Abbas Shahali Ramsheh 2 *
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University
2 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Kashan University (corresponding author)
Keywords: poets, Shafii Kadkani, modern poem, Change of view, The flow of poetry,
Abstract :
Every researcher 's idea and thought change during scientific researches is inevitable and certainly is a route to perfection .Dr. Shafiee Kadkani is one of the researchers in the field of modern poem and mystical literature in Iran .He always speaks about change in viewpoints and even sometimes speaks about contrast in ideas in his works .In this paper ,we study four following features : decisiveness and audacity , scientific caution ,satire in locution ,and exaggeration in locution .Then we present some examples about his methodology . His ideas change has been presented in the most important processes (Nima new poem,prosaic poem and Hajm poem ) and the most important poets (Nima, Sohrab Sepehri,Mahdi Akhavan Thaleth ,Forogh Farohkzad and Ahmad Shamloo).Generally , in some cases ,his laudatory , opposite and ironical tone about a process or a poet has stayed constant , and in some cases, these ideas have changed.