Criticism and Examination ofSemantic Deviations in Molavi andIbnFarez’s Poems
Subject Areas : journal of literary criticism and stylistics research
Keywords: Molavi, meaning deviation, Ibn Al-farez, theosophy, Linguistics,
Abstract :
Deviation is one aspect of “Words Revival” Based on Linguistics That Causes Literary Pleasure through Breaking the Surface of Words, Not Deep Structure. On the one hand, Ultra-logic Rational and Mystical Nature of Mystical Facts and Meaning and Limitation of Language Efficiency, Have Led Gnostics Like Molavi And Ibnfarezto Use Deviated Language And Words.The purpose of this study is to critically review semantic deviation in Molaviand IbnFarez using descriptive-analytical approach. We Find through Investigation of These Two Poet’s Poems That The Most Fundamental Reason Is Unexpressibilityof Mystical Experience. Deviation inMolavi’s Poems ismore,because He Tries to Create a New Language through Playing withAntilogy. Sensational Similes are more meaningful with regard to his Mystical and Spiritual Temper. Although Molavi In Contrast To Ibnfarez Uses A Word With Different Interests In Different Meanings And Offers A Beautiful Linguistic Economy But Deviation Raised From Abstract Synesthesia And Metaphors Is More Beautiful inIbnfarez's Poems.