Time Analysis In M. Akhavans, Poetic Narrations (Relying on the collected poems of the Avesta)
Subject Areas : journal of literary criticism and stylistics research
Keywords: Akhavan, Narratology, story time, narrative poems,
Abstract :
Narrative processing is One of the prominent elements of poetry, Mehdi Akhavan, contemporary modernist poet.This paper is based on the theory of time in narrative that study time in the best narrative poetry of Akhavan.The main idea in the theory of time in narrative is discussion of timing narrative is based on three pillars order theory of Gérard Genette,Order, Narrative speed and frequency .The results show that pause, Analepsis, Prolepsis and repeated frequency is the most important timings techniques that poet dealing with them.Open story in Akhvanspoem is done with very objective descriptions. This is done in line with the aims of the poet that is going to enhance the narrative to poem .On the other hand, use of these techniques is along with narrative content. Pause is seen in narratives that show repeat and force of history and humans,hoplessness from historical change.Repeating Frequency also can be seen in narratives that their contents are surrealistic .Sometimes the poet uses repeated frequency for symbolization.So functions of timing narrative devices in poetry of Akhavan are diverse and in line with the structure and content of them.