research is to identify the components of selecting the head coach of the national volleyball team of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : knowledge Management
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Keywords: coaching, theme analysis, volleyball,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research is to identify the components of selecting the head coach of the national volleyball team of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was carried out using a mixed method and an exploratory research plan. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part was coaches and athletes who had at least ten years of continuous experience in high levels of sports and education in physical education and sports sciences. In this section, in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 coaches and athletes. Theoretical saturation was achieved in the 17th interview, but three more interviews were also conducted. The interviews were analyzed using the theme analysis method and three overarching themes, 12 organizing themes and 41 basic themes were obtained. Three overarching themes including interpersonal, intrapersonal and environmental themes were identified. Interpersonal themes included management, coaching skills, coaching behavior and social relationships. Intrapersonal themes included personal characteristics, philosophy, coaching knowledge, and the desire to grow and excel. The environmental theme included role playing, competition situation, training situation and environmental conditions.
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