The effect of plant density and super absorbent mineral (zeolite) on morphological and ecological characteristics on mung bean (Vigna radiate L.Parto) in Varamin region
Subject Areas :
Reza Ghashang Miyanj
Arash Borzou
Nabi-Alah Nemati
1 - M.Sc of Agronomy, Department of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Module Varamin, Varamin, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Varamin Branch, Varamin, Iran.
3 - Associate prof. of Agronomy, Islamic Azad University Varamin Branch, Varamin-Pishva. Iran
Keywords: zeolite, Mung bean, grain performance, bush density,
Abstract :
In order to investigate the effect of bush density and superabsorbent zeolite on morphological and physiological characteristics of mange bean (vigna radiate L. parto), a factorial experiment was laid out in randomized complete block in research field of Islamic Azad University, Varamin - Pishva branch in 2013-2014.The first factor was bush density at four levels control (30,40, 50, and 60 bush/ m2)and the second factor was zeolite at four levels (control, 10, 15, and 20 t.ha). Bush density at probability level of 1 % affected all attributes. Also zeolite at probability level of 5% had significant effect on bush height and at 1% level had significant effect on bush height, branch number, pods number per bush, grains number per pod, thousand-grain weight, grain performance, biological performance, and yield index. The interactive effect of bush density and zeolite was not significant 1% level. As the results showed, 40 bushes per cm2 had the greatest positive effect height (51.63 cm), branch numbers (4.93), thousand grain weight (44.04 g), grain performance (2300.4) and biological performance (9154.93 kg.ha). Also zeolite improved the morphological and physiological characteristics of mung bean as the greatest positive effect of 15 t.h was observed on bush height (48.53 cm), brush number (4.56), grain number per bush (28.65), grain number per pod (7.35), grain performance (2383.2), biological performance (8185.12 kg.ha) and yield index (27.23). Given the obtained results, it could be inferred that the best bush density of mung bean is 40 bush.m2 with 15t.ha zeolite.