Abstract :
The objective of this applied research is to study the variables that affect development of household jobs from rural women and to provide expert perspective on the data. The methodology of this research was a descriptive survey which was conducted in 2011. The statistical population of this study consisted of 15000 rural women and 50 expert officer of household jobs. Sample size was determined by Morgan table n=375 rural women and 50 expert officers. 300 questionnaires were complete and analyzed. The sampling method employed was proportional stratified sampling, which was conducted in two phases. Confirmation of validity of the method was obtained by content validity while reliability was measured by Chronbach’s alpha coeffient (0/72). Findings showed that the most important variables that affect development of household jobs, from women’s perspectives include: skills, expertise and experience, motivation to obtain more independence, and introduction to and meeting with mentors. However, the most important variables from the experts’ perspectives are: conducting educational classes, meeting the financial needs of women and creating a local market in which to sell products. Additionally, findings of this study showed that there is a significant correlation between women’s educational level, as well as their membership in cooperatives, and the entrepreneurship of household jobs in rural areas.
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