Investigating the Gender Diversity of the Board of Directors in Relation to the Goals of Sustainable Development with an Emphasis on Social Responsibility and Social Irresponsibility
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
1 - Department of Accounting and Management, Neyriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyriz, Iran
Keywords: Gender Diversity, Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility, Social Irresponsibility,
Abstract :
Introduction and goal: In recent years, worldwide awareness of environmental challenges and their potential disasters has grown. A large number of countries have faced air and water pollution, deforestation, resource depletion, and climate change. CSR has become popular as a way to solve environmental challenges and promote sustainable development at this critical time. On the other hand, the results of some studies show that gender diversity on corporate boards may be considered as an indicator that companies experience higher levels of social responsibility and accountability. The aim of the current research was to investigate the effect of gender diversity in the board of directors in supporting the goals of sustainable development according to the criteria of social responsibility and irresponsibility.
Methods: The statistical population of the research companies were admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange and using the method of systematic elimination, the target sample size was 171 companies in the period (2018-2022). Then the research model was defined and estimated using the GMM method.
Findings: The results showed that the gender diversity of the board of directors has a positive and significant effect on social responsibility and a negative and significant effect on social irresponsibility. In addition, the results showed that women react more in reducing problematic situations
Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be stated that women care about improving social performance through good actions and at the same time, they are careful about negative events that affect the company's social performance
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