Investigating Women's Judgment in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of IranIn the Light of the Verses of Surah Nisa, Baqarah, Ahzab, Zakharf and Hadid
Subject Areas : Woman and SocietyFatemeh Birjandi 1 , Javad Habibitabar 2 * , Aazam Khoshsorat Movafagh 3
1 - PhD Student of Women's Studies Majoring in Women's Rights in Islam, Faculty of Women and Family, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Director of Jurisprudence and Judicial Law Department, Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya Society, Qom, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Women and Family, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Judging by women, verses of the Quran, Article163 of the Constitution, the position of judging,
Abstract :
Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of examining the judgment of women in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the light of the verses of the Holy Quran, taking into account jurisprudential, Sharia and religious aspects in order to revise, amend and explain Article 163 of the Constitution.
Method: It is an analytical-descriptive type of case study and evaluation, which was done in a library style with content analysis, inference and reasoning.
Findings: The findings of the present research showed that there is no verse in the Holy Quran that explicitly and clearly negates the competence of women for the position of judge. Therefore, the prohibition of judging women for women who meet the scientific and moral conditions is one of the verses of the Quran. not received none of the verses related to judgment in the Holy Qur'an have made the correctness of the judgment subject to majesty. Therefore, taking into account that the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined according to jurisprudence, Article 163 of the Constitution needs to be amended, revised and explained.
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