Analyzing the truth of the sublime dignity of women In the discourse of the Holy Quran and Atrat Taherin
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
mohammad sharifani
mohammad marefat
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Allameh university, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Woman's dignity, The truth of woman's dignity, position of woman, Quran discourse,
Abstract :
In this article, the truth of the status and dignity of women in the discourse and thought of the Holy Quran and Atrat Taherin (a.s.) has been investigated and analyzed. The main purpose of this article is to clear the ambiguities and explain some aspects of Islamic thought about the position of women. With the advent of Islam, a new discourse based on ethics was raised; Therefore, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated that the purpose of the mission was to complete moral duties. The religion of Islam has not been strict in any field and subject, and in all conditions and situations, it has set the interests of the individual and the community as a criterion; But various events and social events throughout the history of Islam have plunged the position and dignity of women into an aura of ambiguity and left many unsaid and questions. Therefore, there have been attacks and doubts about the dignity and position of women since long ago, which have been criticized and investigated in various assemblies and circles. In this research, by analyzing the truth of the dignity of women in the discourse of the Holy Quran and Atrat Taherin (AS), we seek to answer these doubts and explain some aspects of Islamic thought.
The research method in this research is descriptive and analytical, and its contents are collected in a library and using internet resources.
Dehkhoda A. Dictionary. Tehran: University of Tehran; 1377, 1 p 1582.